The Trick to Keeping Your Casselberry Home Rodent Free

rodent control service

Do you hear rodents scurrying around your Casselberry home? If so, you’re not the only one with a rodent problem. For centuries, rodents have been depending on people for food and shelter. They often invade Casselberry homes and cause trouble for homeowners. If you don’t want to battle these pests, continue reading to learn the ultimate trick to rodent control.

The Issues With Casselberry Rodents

In Casselberry, several different rodents invade homes. The least expected Florida rodent is the squirrel. As cute as squirrels may be, they can enter homes and nest in the walls. You can identify squirrels by their long and bushy tails.

Another home invader is the house mouse. This rodent is small and unassuming, but can cause the same issues as larger rodents. Because house mice have a quick breeding cycle, they can take over a home in a short time.

Rats are also prevalent in the area. Significantly larger than the house mouse, the local rat species still have a way of getting inside. You don’t want any one of the local rodents in your home because they can do the following:

  • Spread diseases
  • Contaminate your food
  • Trigger allergies
  • Damage your home

Keep your home and family safe from rats, mice, and squirrels with quality pest control in Casselberry.

Why Do Rodents Come Inside?

You may be wondering why rodents would even want to go into your home. After all, nature has plenty to offer them. The truth is, your home can be very appealing to rodents. It doesn’t take much for squirrels, rats, and mice to want to enter your property.

Typically, this is because your home has plenty of food for Casselberry rodents. Think about the amount of food in your pantry and garbage can. If you ever spilled food in your pantry, it could stay there for months. Your garbage cans also contain a never-ending supply of food for rodents. 

Likewise, your home provides shelter for rodents. This is particularly true in the winter. When the temperature begins to drop outside, rodents want to get warm. They may look for ways to enter your home and nest for the winter. 

One of the reasons rodents are such frequent home invaders is that they can chew through building materials. If you have cracks or gaps in your home, rodents can chew their way in. You need to make a conscious effort to make sure rodents don’t get inside.

Rodent Prevention Tips

It doesn’t have to be difficult to keep rodents in Casselberry away. Here are a few tips to get you started :

  • Proper food storage: Keep all of the food in your home sealed and hidden from rodents. This means storing your food in containers with lids. If you inspect your pantry, you can find all sorts of open food available to rodents. 
  • Proper trash storage: If you keep your garbage in open trash cans, you’re inviting rodents to a meal. Use trash cans with lids and always make sure the lids close. This makes your food scraps less available. 
  • Clean-up: Take a weekend to clean up your home and yard. In doing so, you can take away any food from rodents. You also remove hiding spots, which makes rodents less likely to nest inside. 
  • Seal your home: When you notice cracks in your home, seal them up. Look for potential rodent entrances regularly.

Implementing these simple prevention measures can help keep rats and mice out of your home.

The Trick To Rodent Control

The ultimate trick to rodent control is to work with the team Rowland Pest Management. We’ve provided quality pest control in Casselberry since 2015, combining personalized treatments with excellent customer service. Our team is dedicated to keeping rodents away. Call us now to schedule your free inspection.

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