When Is Mosquito Season in Orlando, Florida?

Many mosquitoes fly over green grass field

Mosquito season in Orlando typically peaks from June to August, causing quite a buzz for locals and tourists alike.

Knowing when mosquito season hits can help you prepare and protect yourself from these pesky insects. Keep reading to make your experience bite-free!

Key Takeaways

  • Mosquito season in Orlando usually begins in April or May and peaks during the hot summer months of June to August.
  • Warm temperatures and increased rainfall in summer create perfect conditions for more mosquitoes to appear.
  • More mosquito bites, rainy weather, and community spraying efforts are some of the signs that mosquito season has started.
  • Staying safe during mosquito season involves using repellent, wearing long sleeves, and possibly getting help from a pest control service.

When Does Mosquito Season Start and End in Orlando?

In Orlando, mosquito season typically begins in late spring, usually around April or May. During this period, temperatures rise, and humidity increases.

Mosquito activity peaks during the summer months, particularly from June to August. This is when the temperatures are the highest, leading to more mosquito bites and increased efforts in mosquito control.

Here’s the typical season of most mosquito species in Florida:

RegionsStart MonthEnd Month
Northern FloridaMarchOctober
Central FloridaAprilNovember
Southern FloridaYear-roundYear-round

How to Know When Mosquito Season Has Begun

In Orlando, the signs of mosquito season can be quite clear. Here’s how to know when mosquito season has begun:

  1. Look for increasing mosquito bites. As the weather warms up around late spring, mosquito populations rise. 
  2. Pay attention to local news reports. Health departments often warn when diseases like Yellow fever, Zika Virus, dengue fever, encephalitis, or chikungunya become a concern in Central or South Florida.
  3. Note any wet weather conditions. Standing water from frequent rain storms provides perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

How to Protect Yourself During Mosquito Season in Orlando

Orlando’s mosquito season can be tough. Luckily, there are several ways to stay protected. Consider these strategies to protect yourself during mosquito season:

  • Use commercial insect repellent. EPA-approved products containing DEET are highly effective. Make sure to apply it to exposed skin.
  • Wear long sleeves and pants. This creates a physical barrier between you and the mosquitoes.
  • Keep an eye on your swimming pools. Standing water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Use natural mosquito repellents, such as citronella candles or torches, to keep mosquitoes away from patios and outdoor areas.
  • Be aware of mosquito-borne diseases, like West Nile Virus, that mosquitoes can spread. Educating yourself can help protect your family.
  • Consider professional mosquito control services. These experts can treat your yard, reducing the mosquito population around your home.

When to Call a Mosquito Expert in Orlando

As homeowners, you might notice an unusual number of mosquitoes even after taking common preventive measures like using repellents or removing standing water. 

This is a sign that it might be time to call pest control experts. With Rowland Pest Management, our services can reduce the mosquito population and improve comfort and safety at home.

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