Why Can’t We Just Kill Every Mosquito In Casselberry?

swarm of mosquito outdoor

April 15, 2If you’ve spent any time at all outdoors in Casselberry, then you’re probably all too familiar with these prolific flying parasites. Not only are they ubiquitous and annoying, but they are also surprisingly dangerous, directly responsible for the transmission of many dangerous diseases and parasites. 

It’s no surprise that so many people are interested in effective mosquito control methods. There are plenty of measures you can take to get rid of mosquitoes in your Casselberry yard, but why can’t we just get rid of these pests altogether? There’s actually a very good reason for their existence, and in this post, we’ll share that, but also the best way to protect yourself from the obvious downsides of mosquitoes in your backyard.022

How Mosquitoes Contribute To The Ecosystem

Even though mosquitoes are obviously a prolific parasitic annoyance, we, unfortunately, can’t afford to wipe them off the face of the earth. As surprising as it may be to most of us, mosquitoes actually serve an important ecological role not only as an abundant source of food for certain animals but also as pollinators. The males feed exclusively on plant nectar– it’s the females become parasitic when they approach the end of their life cycle and need the extra protein from their blood meals to sustain their eggs. Despite their unexpected benefit to the environment, they are still dangerous pests at the end of the day, so there are plenty of reasons to get them out of your backyard as soon as possible.

Why Mosquitoes Around Your Home Is A Big Problem

Everyone knows how unpleasant mosquito bites can be. The swelling and incessant itching caused by their saliva can sometimes lead to secondary skin infections, not to mention the bite itself, putting you at risk of contracting a dangerous disease-causing pathogen. Despite their tiny size, mosquitoes are considered one of the most dangerous insect species on the planet due precisely to the many potentially deadly pathogens they can carry.

Diseases Mosquitoes Can Transmit

There are plenty of reasons to want effective mosquito control in Casselberry, the foremost of which is the many diseases mosquitoes carry. They cause a range of unpleasant and potentially rather severe symptoms, including extreme fever, fatigue, and other even more dangerous complications. Here’s a quick list of some of the many diseases mosquitoes can transmit:

  • Malaria
  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Dengue Fever
  • Yellow Fever
  • Chikungunya
  • Encephalitis

Though it is unlikely you will contract a disease from a mosquito bite, it’s not worth the risk. Fortunately, there are some ways to effectively reduce the mosquito population in your Casselberry yard. 

Natural Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Yard

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, and they only need about the volume of a bottle-cap of liquid to successfully procreate. A good place to start when it comes to mosquito control in Casselberry is eliminating suitable breeding pools in your yard. Adult mosquitoes are also attracted to seldom-disturbed areas with lots of shade, where they often land to rest their wings. With these things in mind, you can develop a strategy to help rid mosquitoes in your yard. Try the following tips for effective mosquito control in Casselberry:

  • Keep hedges, trees and grass regularly trimmed.
  • Fill holes, cover containers, and repair leaks to reduce excess moisture.
  • Regularly empty any objects that could potentially have gathered water, such as tires, pots, and trash cans.
  • Use mosquito repellant any time you’re outside in the afternoon, when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Partner with the professionals at Rowland Pest Management for guaranteed protection;

If you’re fighting a mosquito infestation in your Casselberry yard, consider contacting the experts at Rowland Pest Management to meet the challenge of treating the problem. Our certified technicians can be there as soon as it’s convenient for you, equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to solve the root of any infestation. Call now to schedule your inspection and get your yard clean and mosquito-free.

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